Sacred Wall Art for Your Healing Space


Sacred words carry the intention and vibration of Sacred Healing Sessions Whether you offer Lomilomi, massage, Reiki or another form of sacred healing, your clients will appreciate this beautiful commitment for their session.

Sacred Wall Art

Sacred Words Carry the Intention and Vibration of Sacred Healing Sessions

Post these beautiful 5 x 7 or 8 x 10 prints in your welcome area or in your healing space to invite your clients to trust, let go and fully receive the beautiful work you’re offering.

5 x 7 Glossy Color Prints $8.50 

8 x 10 Glossy Color Prints $12.00

White Orchid, Zen Rocks
White Orchid, Zen Rocks
White Lily, Serene Drops
White Lily, Serene Drops
Pink Lotus, Blue Mist
Pink Lotus, Blue Mist

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Upcoming Events

Three Day Sacred Lomi Workshop plus Huna & Ho'oponopono 24 NCBTMB CE's 8:30am - 5:30pm Daily

Hawaii Residential Retreat 48 NCBTMB CE's March 4-10, 2025 Hawaii Island Retreat, Big Island, HI

Three Day Sacred Lomi Workshop plus Huna & Ho'oponopono 24 NCBTMB CE's 8:30am - 5:30pm Daily