Tom Cochran

Tom has been facilitating workshops in personal growth since the early 1990’s, working as a facilitator at the Maui Family Peace Center, to teaching yoga, Jungian dream-work and Hawaiian Temple Bodywork.  His passion and commitment to support people to embody their authentic being and their purpose, creatively, emotionally, spiritually, led Tom to co-found Sacred Lomi with Donna Jason.

Tom has studied and synthesized many lineages and traditions, pulling from each, the tools, wisdom, and principles that support healing and transformation. Those lineages include meditation, yoga, painting, chanting, Indigenous knowledge, shamanism, reiki, dream-work, massage, and Temple Style Lomilomi. 

Read Tom’s article

Tom is now offering Private Somatic Healing Sessions

Tom’s passion, above all else is to hold sacred space that allows people to become all of who they’re meant to be, within the kaleidoscope of multidimensional experience. 

For me, it’s a tremendous gift to support and share the power and beauty of this work with people all over the world and witness them awakening to themselves on such an intimate, soul level. There’s a profound sense of peace, love, and power in embracing, embodying, and trusting your authentic being.