The Seven Principles of Huna

The Seven Hawaiian Shamanic Principles were developed by Serge Kahili King, Ph.d as part of his impressive body of work on Huna. Although Huna does deviate some from authentic Hawaiian tradition, they are excellent teachers for life and healing. These principles are outlined in depth in his highly recommended book, Urban Shaman, are available on his website at and are discussed in detail in the DVD: 7 Principles of Huna for Transformation & Healing. They offer us pillars of strength and insight as we navigate the mysterious realm of healing.

We offer gratitude to Serge Kahili King for teaching us these principles and allowing us to include them as part of our offering. What follows is a very shortened interpretation of each of them. 

IKE (ee-kay) – The world is what you think it is. 

This principle is a reminder that you have the ability, by changing your thoughts, to change your experience of the world; that if you can change your beliefs, you can change your experience. So, when a client comes to you with a strong belief system that may not be serving them, your essence, your presence, and your perceptions can support them to shift their perceptions and thus their life experience.

KALA (kulla) – There are no limits. 

Kala teaches that we are all interconnected, that your actions and thoughts influence the universe, and the universe influences you. It is also a reminder that the universe is infinite and that you are a part of the universe and are therefore infinite. Kala teaches that when you allow yourself to expand and open your mind, you will naturally seek out new pathways, and ultimately change what is possible. Another actual meaning of Kala is forgiveness. When you hold a place of forgiveness for yourself, and all things around you, you dissolve limitations.

MAKIA (Mu-kee-a) – Energy Flows Where Attention Goes

Makia is particularly powerful for bodywork. When you focus your physical, mental and emotional attention, not only does all of your energy channel into what you are focusing on, but you will also attract energy from the world around you, which increases the effect of whatever you are focusing on. Makia teaches focus: on where you are touching as you work; on your intention; on your breath; on surrendering into each moment. Makia supports bodywork by allowing all distractions to dissolve and by bringing your full attention to what you are doing.

MANAWA (Ma-nah-wa) – Now is the moment of power

Manawa is also a very powerful principle for bodywork. All power exists in the present moment. This moment is where you plant seeds for the future; this moment is where you can harvest the crops of the past. This moment is where you can facilitate change. This moment is where you connect with, support, and allow healing for yourself and your client. This moment.

ALOHA (A-low-ha) – To love is to be happy with (someone or something)

Love is fundamental to the healing process; acceptance is fundamental to the healing process. To accept; to be happy with; to embrace; to create harmony – is aloha. You don’t need to agree with your clients on a personality level, however offering acceptance for who they are and for yourself in relation to them will create harmony and allow for the natural flow of healing energy and love.

MANA (Ma-na) – All power comes from within

Mana recognizes that we all come from the same place – spirit. It is spirit or life-force within that gives you your ability to exist and to navigate the world. All the power for transformation and evolution comes from within, from your mana. When you are facilitating healing for others, you’re helping them to connect more deeply with their spirit, their energy flow, their capacity to heal – their mana.

PONO (Po-no) – Effectiveness is the measure of truth

Pono refers to finding alignment or ‘rightness’, whether it be with your own Soul, a friend or relative, your job, your home, or your healing practice. The extended meaning of pono teaches that when something is ‘right’ it is right for all concerned. This principle teaches that you are most effective when you are in alignment with your truth. And since all teachings and philosophies are made up, you can choose to use what works for you. In healing and bodywork, as in all things, if what you are doing is effective, then you are pono with it. If one method or many methods work for you you, then you can use the positive aspects from those methods to effectively facilitate a space where healing can occur.

Each of these principles inter-relates with the other principles.  Like our world, they are all interconnected.  As you work with them, they will teach and inform your life, your practice and all of your relationships.  

Upcoming Events

Three Day Sacred Lomi Workshop plus Huna & Ho'oponopono 24 NCBTMB CE's 8:30am - 5:30pm Daily

Hawaii Residential Retreat 48 NCBTMB CE's March 4-10, 2025 Hawaii Island Retreat, Big Island, HI

Three Day Lomilomi Massage Workshop plus Huna & Ho'oponopono 24 NCBTMB CE's 8:30am - 5:30pm Daily